Oh Hi there Lauren O'.

I wanted to send a quick shot out to lab alumna Lauren who recently started her first year at UMASS Medical School.  Lauren was a spectacular student, researcher and baker of rodent themed confections.  She is going to kill it (not literally) up in Worcester and be a great physician.  If you see Lauren around looking sleepy from studying, buy her a coffee for us!


Congratulations Megan!

Super exciting news around here today.  PAN lab member Megan Gallo has accepted an offer to begin her Ph.D. studies at Brown University this fall. Megan will be joining the lab of Dr. Kevin Bath, a world-class scientist and great mentor. Megan has been working with us on our model of BDD and has been an amazing member of the team without whom the project simply couldn't have succeeded. Megan has also worked with Dr. Snodgrass (@psnodgrassbelt) on her work in circadian biology and has benefitted greatly from Dr. Pam's experience and expertise. I'm certain she will hit the ground running when she turns up on College Hill and will be a force to be reckoned with.  

Congratulations Filip!

Great news in the lab today.  Filip Wilk was awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Grant!  The project entitled, Adolescent Stress and Later Psychopathology, will utilize predator odor as a stressor in juvenility. Later in adolescence a yoked signaled avoidance procedure will help determine how controllability of adolescent stressors interacts with early-life trauma to potentially develop adulthood disorders of anxiety. Filip will receive a full summer salary to work in the lab and carry out his really exciting project.